Helpful Information

So what do all of these acronyms mean?


1:1 - One to One Assistant
AAC - Alternative Augmentative Communication
ABA - Applied Behavioral Analysis
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD/ADHD - Attention Deficit/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
APE - Adaptive Physical Education
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorders
ASL - American Sign Language
AT - Assistive Technology
AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress
BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst
BD - Behavioral Disorder
BIP - Behavioral Intervention Plan
BOE - Board of Education
CAPD - Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CAPTA - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
CBA - Curriculum Based Assessment
CC - Closed Captioning
CCSS - Common Core State Standards (now updated)
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEC - Council for Exceptional Children
CF - Cystic Fibrosis
CP - Cerebral Palsy
CST - Child Study Team
CM - Case Manager
DB - Deaf-Blind
DD - Developmental Delay
DD Act - Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
DS - Down Syndrome
DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association
ECE - Early Childhood Education
Ed Spec - Educational Specialist
ED - Emotional Disturbance
ED - U.S. Department of Education
EHA - Education of the Handicapped Act (now IDEA)
EI - Early Intervention
EIS - Early Intervention Services
ELL - English Language Learner
EMH - Educable Mentally Handicapped**
EMR - Educable Mentally Retarded
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center
ESEA - Elementary and Secondary Education Act (now called ESSA)
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act
ESY or EYS - Extended School Year or Extended Year Services
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment
FC - Facilitated Communication
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
GE - General Education
GT - Gifted and Talented
HI - Hearing Impaired
HO - Hearing Officer
HoH - Hard of Hearing
ICR - In-Class Resource
ID - Intellectual Disabilities**
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Int Presch - Integrated Preschool
IE - Independent Evaluation
IEP - Individualized Education Program
IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan
IHP - Individualized Health Care Plan
ITP - Individualized Transition Plan
LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker
LD - Learning Disability
LDT/C - Learning Disabilities Teacher/Consultant
LEA - Local Education Agency
LEP - Limited English Proficiency
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
MD - Muscular Dystrophy
MD or MH - Multiple Disabilities or Multiply Handicapped
NMR - Mildly Mentally Retarded
Mod MR - Moderately Mentally Retarded**
MR - Mental Retardation**
NASP - National Association of School Psychologists
NCLB - No Child Left Behind Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, reauthorized in 2015 as ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act)
NJSLS - New Jersey Student Learning Standards (previously called CCSS)
NIH - National Institutes of Health
NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health
OCD - Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder
ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OHI - Other Health Impaired
OI - Orthopedic Impairment
O & M - Orientation and Mobility Services
OSEP - Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education
OT - Occupational Therapy
PBS - Positive Behavioral Supports
PCA - Personal Care Attendant
PD - Physical Disability
PDD - Pervasive Development Disorder
PEI - Spanish acronym for the Individualized Education Program (Plan Educativo Individualizado)
PLAPF - Present Level of Academic Performance ?
POR - Pull Out Resource
PP - Paraprofessional
PS - Preschool
PT - Physical Therapy
RS - Related Services
RTI - Response to Intervention
SAS - Supplementary Aids and Services
SB - Spina Bifida
SC - Self-Contained
SE - Special Education
SEA - State Education Agency
SEAC - Special Education Advisory Committee
Section 504 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
SED - Serious Emotional Disturbance
SI - Sensory Integration
SLD - Specific Learning Disability
SLI - Speech/Language Impairment
SLP - Speech/Language Pathologist
Spec Ed Assist - Special Education Assistant
SSDI - Social Security Disability Income
SSI - Supplemental Security Income
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
TDD - Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
TMH - Trainable Mentally Handicapped**
TMR - Trainable Mentally Retarded**
TS - Tourette Syndrome
VI - Visual Impairment
Voc Ed - Vocational Education
VR - Vocational Rehabilitation


Accommodations, Modifications, and Intervention


Accommodations are changes in HOW a student accesses information and demonstrates learning.  They are used in classroom instruction and in assessment.  It is important to keep in mind that accommodations do not substantially change the content, instruction level, or expected performance.  They level the playing field to provide equal access to students.

Modifications are changes in WHAT a student is expected to learn or demonstrate.  They do alter the content or lower the standard or expectations.  Modifications can allow for meaningful participation and enhanced learning.  Instead of leveling the playing field, modifications change the game.

Intervention involves supplemental DIRECT INSTRUCTION that addresses specific skills and concepts. Interventions are directly linked to screening, diagnostic, and/or progress monitoring assessment data. Interventions are expected to be research/evidence based, systematic, and explicit.  Interventions will vary according to need and student response.  

Resource programs offer individual and small group instruction to students with disabilities.  Resource programs may be provided in a general education classroom or in a pullout resource classroom.   These programs provide support or replacement instruction.  
Special class programs shall serve students who have similar educational needs in accordance with their individualized education programs.  Special programs offer instruction in the core curriculum content standards unless the IEP specifies an alternative curriculum due to the nature and the severity of the student's disability.  The general education and curriculum and the instructional strategies may be modified based on the student's IEP.  The following are the types of special class programs located within Tabernacle Township Public Schools.